A SvelteKit adapter for Bun
The missing piece of nhentai (Now powered by Bun)
Demo of using Svelte and Rollup to create a SSR bundle
Fastest Technical Indicators written in typescript, Supports: Browser, NodeJS…
A full-stack, syncing database that runs on both server and client. Pluggable…
Bun-Bakery is a web framework for Bun. It uses a file based router in style l…
Create a Svelte app, powered by Bun
A JavaScript implementation of a web browser without its graphical user inter…
Bun-First integrable build tool for frontend
🚀 Private first self-hosted no code database & BaaS.
CLI tool to easily bundle a .svelte file into a single .html file
Turborepo starter with Svelte and tRPC running on Bun
A plugin for embedding Interactive Code Playgrounds in various languages in H…
[WIP] Turborepo starter with Astro & Svelte together with tRPC running on Bun
portfolio bun astro svelte
Ephemeral encrypted link shortner/pastebin website written in svelte
An alternative to svelte-adapter-bun
A browser extension for showing the size of repos.
sveltekit skeleton project with auth
An alternative CLI to `create-svelte` to create a new SvelteKit app using Bun.
A simple chat app built with Svelte, MongoDB, and TypeScript based on Bun.js,…
using Zig + Bun + Svelte to render svelte files on the server and hydrate the…
Bun + ElysiaJS + Vite + SvelteKit Template
web app starter built upon svelte-kit, bun and sqlite
Golf Leaderboard App
Fastest Technical Indicators written in JavaScript, Supports: Browser, NodeJS…
Frontend for RappyTV's Boost Notifications discord bot powered by Svelte and …
Ad free anime streaming website with a modern UI and QoL features. Spring boo…
Bit.dev compiler to handle svelte components
bun + elysia + svelte + tailwind
Bun Astro Svelte Starlight
Bun + Svelte + A-Frame
Monorepo setup for my Svelte side projects
Svelte tailwind template using bun
Use bun svelte trpc tailwind
Vite + Svelte + TailwindCSS + Biome + Bun
A bun-svelte website thing
Bun SvelteKit with PayloadCMS Test Project
Cutting-edge sveltekit monorepo template
Example for the Sveletkit-Bun Blog
Url Shortener built with Svelte & Elysia