Tauri2 Svelte5 Shadcn
A clean desktop application template that combines Tauri 2 with Svelte 5 + Sh…
Slick Portfolio Svelte 5
The rewrite of the slick-portfolio-svelte using sveltekit (svelte 5) and shad…
Sveltekit Lucia Shadcn
SvelteKit + Drizzle ORM + Shadcn + Lucia - simple auth setup - Sign Up - Logi…
Turbo Vite Sveltekit Shadcn Starter
Starter code for using turborepo with vite, sveltekit, and shadcn with tailwi…
Sveltekit Dashboard Demo
Responsive dashboard demo using Sveltekit, Svelte, TailwindCSS and ShadCN UI.