Svelte Headlessui Starter
🚀 Launch your next Svelte app using Headless UI. Mirror of Svelte Headless UI…
Sveltekit Typescript Tailwind Template
A Sveltekit template project including TypeScript, Tailwind, and all your fav…
Turbo Bun Astro Trpc Starter
[WIP] Turborepo starter with Astro & Svelte together with tRPC running on Bun
Sveltekit Playwright Fetch Mock
Tools for mocking SSR fetch() requests in SvelteKit for use in Playwright
Playwright Frontend E2e Tests
A monorepo project containing starter E2E tests created using Playwright for …
Sveltekit Vitest Template
A template to create SvelteKit apps with Vitest and Playwright testing tools