Sveltekit Monorepo Template
Monorepo with SvelteKit, pnpm, TypeScript, Express, Prisma, Postgres etc to s…
Turbo Bun Astro Trpc Starter
[WIP] Turborepo starter with Astro & Svelte together with tRPC running on Bun
素问智聊斋,非官方 ChatGPT 在线客户端,旨在提供更便捷的 ChatGPT 访问体验;它基于非官方 ChatGPT API、Svelte、Tailw…
Svelte Single Spa Example
This is demo app that uses Single-SPA with Svelte. It's a Mono-repo that uses…
AmbitiousYou let's you become a superhuman by letting you focus on your life …
Template Pnpm Deno Svelte
a template setup for a PNPM monorepo containing 2 apps: a Deno common app and…
Template Pnpm Sveltekit Tw Ts
A bare SvelteKit Template repository with pnpm, TailwindCSS, and TypeScript p…
Preporcess And Vite With Svelte
Svelte template on Vite + PNPM with svelte-preprocess (TS, Stylus, Pug, ++)
Fresh Vite App Svelte
Fresh Svelte app, automatically generated everyday with "pnpm create vite --t…
Repro Sveltekit Pnpm Ts Monorepo Error
Created as a tiny-repro to which I will link from a StackOverflow question I'…