
These posts are aggregated from Svelte GitHub Repository.

  • Svelte Philosophy

    This is an attempt to articulate the Svelte philosophy — our bedrock principles, that guide our design decisions.
  • How to iterate over a linked list in Svelte? (Or how to use a while loop / recursion?)

    As the title, in my case I need a Linked List (to represent an interactive flowchart) But I'm not sure how I can iterate over it to display it as html elements. I know that I
  • Enhancing Svelte for success (widespread adoption)

    Angular, React and Vue have without argument, taken over the JavaScript frontend space. **Next.JS** and **Nuxt.JS** came unto the scene, and they took **React** and **Vue** to a
  • Clear syntax for #each block

    Would it be possible to make the each block syntax clean and clear like a for loop? - it is confusing compared to other programming languages. It is not clear what problem is
  • Weird path from requested url

    In the `hook.server.js`: ``` export const handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => { const url = new URL(event.request.url); const path = url.pathname; }); ``` If the
  • Typescript issue with bindable props.

    If I have a component with a bindable prop `value: string | number | undefined` and use this component and give it a `value: string` as follows: `<component bind:value />` Th
  • Instant DB in the Svelte REPL

    I've noticed the svelte REPL fails with the following error when trying to import `instandb/core`. ``` "MD5" is not exported by "https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/dist/objec
  • Should States be Compiled As An Object Property?

    I believe that many of the problems I have came across are due to states being compiled directly as objects instead of a top level object with the state as the property. ( DISCLAIM
  • How to direclty set a state as a Context?

    Due to how proxies work I can only set a state as a context if it is an object. I cannot properly set the state directly as a context object. This seems very strange coming f
  • How to bind the data to slot

    I have the below on `+layout.svelte`: ``` let test; <Header /> <slot /> <footer /> ``` I want to make the `test` to be available on every child page (the slot in this case
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