
These posts are aggregated from Svelte GitHub Repository.

  • Compile svelte 4 component with tailwind into html + css

    Im trying to render svelte component in a sveltekit endpoint to html for a mail templates this is my implementation ```ts import type { RequestHandler } from './$types'; impo
  • Svelte 5 or GTA 6? btw is the Vite warnings removed ?

    few versions ago i had the privelege to try out svelte 5, but i was afraid it may break things. but it didnt , for example runes and few reactivity related things were ok. but ocas
  • What's the "official" stance around how to work around binding of snippet parameters?

    I am writing a table view component, and the natural thing is to create components inside its snippets that naturally bind to the row data object. Also, naturally, the snippet tha
  • Behind-the-curtains: how do I "manually compile" `*.svelte` files directly without any "vite / rollup / webpack / other-bundler"?

    More of a backend dev, frontend isn't my daily bread+butter.. but I _do_ know my vanilla (ie. non-frameworked) html/js/ts/css! =) Well I'm looking to transition to Svelte my (
  • Deep fine-grained reactivity : pushing element to an array triggers deep-down sibling reactivity

    Greeting svelte folk ! I am a bit lost at none-primitive reactivity (array) and its scope. In the repl below, I have a global $state([]) to which I add a new entry (project) eac
  • Changing css colour from svelte store

    Hello. I have a svelte store that is set to a tailwind css class (`fill-sky-950`) and I have this store subscribed to in my css class and the css updates to this new value but the
  • How to send Component.svelte over HTTP?

    Hi, I have some components on a server (independent and external from sveltekit) and want to serve them over http. I imagine the process to go something like this: 1: read .s
  • Is the return value of load() functions no longer reactive?

    I moved project `@wjfe/dataview` from v5next175 to 5next195 today and all of the sudden the demo data wasn't reactive. Had to interject a `$state()` call to regain demo functional
  • Why this runes? It makes svelte look like React and I hate it(Personal Opinion).

    For me ``` ``` is better than this
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