bun-elysiajs-vite-sveltekit Svelte Themes

Bun Elysiajs Vite Sveltekit

Bun + ElysiaJS + Vite + SvelteKit Template

Bun + ElysiaJS + Vite + SvelteKit Template


Why Bun?

It's a new, fast javascript runtime that is many orders of magnitude faster than Node. Other than that, is the only (that I know of) other node-compatible runtime that offers Typescript with zero configuration. Maybe Deno is another one, but ...

Why ElysiaJS ?

It's the best backend web server for Bun. It's akin to Express.js and is well supported. You'll notice later that we are using SvelteKit. SvelteKit doesn't require Bun or ElysiaJS. We use Bun because it's fast. We use ElysiaJS because it offers true backend web service functionality. You can write websockets in ElysiaJS backend, but you can not easily, if at all, with SvelteKit.

Why Vite ?

In short, Vite offers a hot-reload for Svelte, among other nice bundler things. Svelte by itself does some of these things, but it is primarily a compiler that produces javascript from svelte files. Vite is a bit more versatile when it comes to bundling and serving.

Why SvelteKit ?

Svelte is such a clean, fast and reactive way to make the frontend for web sites. SvelteKit brings routing, SSR, and a framework to Svelte to deal with many common web frontend needs. While SvelteKit doesn't require Bun or ElysiaJS, the addition of those means a faster service with more capabilities (websockets, for example) than without.

System Requirements


You'll need to get Bun installed. At this point in time, Bun v1.0.25 is the latest. See: https://bun.sh to download.

Getting Started

Install the dependencies:

bun install

Start the development server:

bun run dev

Bundle for production deployment:

bun run build
cd build
bun start

When bundling for production, you'll probably want to use a Bun docker image and copy the build into that before executing start.


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