Web Extension Svelte Boilerplate
The web extension boilerplate which helps setting up browser extension projec…
Svelte Deploy With Github Actions
This is an example repository about how to automatically deploy Svelte apps t…
Sapper Firebase Typescript Graphql Tailwindcss Actions Template
A template that includes Sapper for Svelte, Firebase functions and hosting, T…
Sveltekit Github Pages Example
Demo of a static SvelteKit project, using GitHub Actions to deploy to GitHub …
Tauri Svelte Template
Tauri + Svelte + SASS/SCSS + Tailwind CSS + Prettier + ESLint + GitHub Actions
Gh Actions Config Creator
Create a valid configuration file for github actions with just a few clicks
Deploy Sapper To Gh Pages Action
A GitHub Action for exporting and deploying a site built with Svelte and Sapp…
Deploy Spa On Cloud Action
Automated deployment of your single page application into the cloud on a serv…
Portfolio Website Monorepo
My portfolio website's monorepo. Includes my front-end and its BFF, and my bl…