elysiajs-sveltekit-auth Svelte Themes

Elysiajs Sveltekit Auth

This template demonstrates how to integrate Elysia (a Bun-based backend framework) with SvelteKit. It includes authentication, database integration, and API route handling.

SvelteKit with Elysia Backend Integration

This template demonstrates how to integrate Elysia (a Bun-based backend framework) with SvelteKit. It includes authentication, database integration, and API route handling.


Check out the live demo at: https://elysiajs-sveltekit-auth.pattapongj.com/

Test login:

  • username: test
  • password: test

Or you can just register your account.

Test protected page should show access denied when not login https://elysiajs-sveltekit-auth.pattapongj.com/profile

Swagger API for demo: https://elysiajs-sveltekit-auth.pattapongj.com/api/swagger


  • 🚀 SvelteKit frontend
  • ⚡ Elysia backend with Bun
  • 🔐 JWT Authentication
  • 🗃️ PostgreSQL with Drizzle ORM
  • 🌐 API client with type safety

Step-by-Step Setup

1. Project Structure

First, create a SvelteKit project and add necessary dependencies:

# Create new SvelteKit project
npm create svelte@latest my-app
cd my-app

# Install dependencies
bun add elysia @elysiajs/swagger @elysiajs/jwt @elysiajs/eden
bun add @node-rs/argon2 @oslojs/encoding
bun add drizzle-orm postgres
bun add -d drizzle-kit @types/pg

2. Backend Setup

Create the API route handler at src/routes/api/[...slugs]/+server.ts:

import { Elysia } from 'elysia';
import { swagger } from '@elysiajs/swagger';

const app = new Elysia({ prefix: '/api' })
  .get('/hi', () => 'Hi Elysia');

export type App = typeof app;

// Handle both GET and POST requests
export const GET = ({ request }) => app.handle(request);
export const POST = ({ request }) => app.handle(request);

3. Database Configuration

Set up PostgreSQL with Docker and create schema:

# Docker compose for PostgreSQL
docker compose up -d

# Run database migrations
bun run db:push

4. Authentication System

Implement authentication in src/lib/server/auth.ts:

import { Elysia, t } from 'elysia';
import { jwt } from '@elysiajs/jwt';

export const authRouter = new Elysia({ prefix: '/auth' })
    secret: process.env.JWT_SECRET
  .post('/login', async ({ body, jwt }) => {
    // Login logic
  .post('/register', async ({ body, jwt }) => {
    // Registration logic

5. API Client

Create a type-safe API client in src/lib/api/client.ts:

import { treaty } from '@elysiajs/eden';
import type { App } from '@/routes/api/[...slugs]/+server';

export const api = treaty<App>(import.meta.env.PUBLIC_API_URL);

6. Environment Setup

Create .env file with necessary variables:



  1. Start the database:

    bun run db:start
  2. Run migrations:

    bun run db:push
  3. Start development server:

    bun run dev

API Documentation

Once running, access the Swagger documentation at:

Note: Due to a known issue in @elysiajs/swagger v1.2.0, the Swagger UI may attempt to call incorrect URLs. A workaround has been implemented in hooks.server.ts to redirect /swagger/json to /api/swagger/json. If you experience any issues with Swagger documentation, ensure this hook is properly configured:

// src/hooks.server.ts
import { handle } from '@sveltejs/kit';

export const handle = async ({ event, resolve }) => {
  if (event.url.pathname === '/swagger/json') {
    return Response.redirect('/api/swagger/json', 301);

  return resolve(event);

Authentication Endpoints

  • POST /api/auth/register - Register new user
  • POST /api/auth/login - Login user
  • GET /api/auth/me - Get current user info

Type Safety

The project utilizes full type safety between frontend and backend through:

  • Elysia's built-in type inference
  • Eden treaty for type-safe API calls
  • TypeScript throughout the codebase

Production Deployment

For production deployment:

  1. Build the application:

    bun run build
  2. Start the production server:

    bun run preview

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