Tauri2 Svelte5 Shadcn
A clean desktop application template that combines Tauri 2 with Svelte 5 + Sh…
Slick Portfolio Svelte 5
The rewrite of the slick-portfolio-svelte using sveltekit (svelte 5) and shad…
Sveltekit Lucia Shadcn
SvelteKit + Drizzle ORM + Shadcn + Lucia - simple auth setup - Sign Up - Logi…
Turbo Vite Sveltekit Shadcn Starter
Starter code for using turborepo with vite, sveltekit, and shadcn with tailwi…
Shadcn Svelte Template
Skeleton project for Svelte using Tailwind with correct configurations for Sh…
Sveltekit Dashboard Demo
Responsive dashboard demo using Sveltekit, Svelte, TailwindCSS and ShadCN UI.