The Open Source no code database / BaaS

UNDB is a no-code platform that can also serve as a Backend as a Service (BaaS). It is based on SQLite and can be packaged into a binary file using Bun for backend service. Additionally, it can be deployed as a service via Docker, offering a UI for table management.

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License Release


  • ⚡ No-code platform, easy to use
  • 🗄️ Based on SQLite, a lightweight database
  • 🥁 Built-in playground mode, try it out without any setup
  • 🔐 Private and local first
  • 📦 Can be packaged into a binary file using Bun
  • 📊 Support formula field like Excel/Airtable
  • 🌐 OpenAPI RESTful API support
  • 🪜 Progressive deployment, from local in single file to cloud complicated stacks.
  • 🐳 Supports Docker deployment
  • 🛠️ Provides a UI for table management


Quick start

docker run -p 3721:3721 ghcr.io/undb-io/undb:latest
  • Run with docker with volume
docker run -d \
  -p 3721:3721 \
  -v $(pwd)/undb:/usr/src/app/.undb/storage \
  -v $(pwd)/undb:/usr/src/app/.undb \
  --name undb \

Deploy on Render.com

Deploy to Render


  1. Install Bun

    Refer to Bun's official documentation for installation instructions.

  2. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/undb-io/undb.git
    cd undb
  3. Install dependencies

    bun install
  4. Start the development server

    bun run dev

Docker compose development

docker compose up -d

then visit http://localhost:3721


Packaging into a Binary File

  1. Build
    bun run build

Docker Deployment

  1. Build the Docker image

    docker build -t undb .
  2. Run the Docker container

    docker run -d -p 3721:3721 undb

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