Sveltekit Auth Starter
This is a Sveltekit auth starter project. It utilizes Lucia for authenticatio…
Swiftmarket Sveltekit
E-Commerce solution built with SvelteKit, Pocketbase as a database and Stripe…
Sveltekit Lucia Auth V3 Example
This example project showcases how to integrate Lucia V3 for user authenticat…
Svelte Electron Better Sqlite3 Starter
An starter to build Electron apps with Svelte and Better SQLite3
Sveltekit Auth Template
Sveltekit app template, with auth flow, airbnb eslint config, typescript, pri…
Svelte Buffalo Postgres Starter Template
A starter template for creating Web-apps with a Svelte front-End / Buffalo Ba…
Sveltekit Stripe Template
Easy setup for Sveltekit & Stripe. Connected with Hygraph CMS for managing pr…
Sveltekit Pouchdb Couchdb Todos
A simple but beautiful todos app using SvelteKit, PouchDB, CouchDB and Tailwi…