Sveltekit Static Blog Template
A lightweight and customizable template for blogs and portfolio websites, bui…
Sveltekit Blog Starter
A preconfigured SvelteKit static blog starter, with Sass, Markdown, MDSvex, R…
Mslearn Staticwebapp Api
Apps that can be used with as a starting point for some MS Learn Modules, inc…
Sapper Netlify Jamstack Starter
A sapper/svelte based JAMstack starter for deploying static applications with…
Pocketbase Sveltekit Static
PocketBase + SvelteKit (Static): minimalistic template with configured author…
Sveltekit Isr Cloudflare Workers
Incremental static regeneration for SvelteKit on Cloudflare Workers
Sveltekit Static Sitemap
Generate sitemap at buildtime for SvelteKit applications with prerendered rou…