Sveltekit Static Blog Template
A lightweight and customizable template for blogs and portfolio websites, bui…
Sveltekit Blog Starter
A preconfigured SvelteKit static blog starter, with Sass, Markdown, MDSvex, R…
Mslearn Staticwebapp Api
Apps that can be used with as a starting point for some MS Learn Modules, inc…
Pocketbase Sveltekit Static
PocketBase + SvelteKit (Static): minimalistic template with configured author…
Sapper Netlify Jamstack Starter
A sapper/svelte based JAMstack starter for deploying static applications with…
Eleventy Plugin Embed Svelte
An Eleventy plugin that makes embedding Svelte components in your static page…
Sveltekit Isr Cloudflare Workers
Incremental static regeneration for SvelteKit on Cloudflare Workers