
Svelte To Html

A command to quickly transform a Svelte file into static html.

Svelte to HTML

  • svelte-to-html is a command to quickly transform a Svelte file into static html.
  • Props can be supplied to the main Svelte file.
  • The main Svelte file can import other Svelte components or JavaScript files.

What this is not?

  • This command is not a replacement for SvelteKit. It does not ship any JavaScript nor does it include any head or body tag.
  • It obviously does not support any DOM APIs like window, location, navigator etc.


  • For scenarios where you'd want to generate a static HTML file but with if/else conditionals or for loops. Svelte's templating features and syntax come to rescue.
  • Ideal for creating templates for GitHub comments which can be used in GitHub Actions.

Usage (CLI)

npx svelte-to-html <filepath> <output> <props>

# Props as json string
npx svelte-to-html filepath.svelte output.html '{"food":"Pizza"}'

# Props as json file
npx svelte-to-html filepath.svelte output.html props.json

Usage (Compiler API)

const { compile } = require('svelte-to-html');
compile('filepath.svelte', { food: 'Pizza' }).then(html => console.log(html));



<!-- template.svelte -->
  const a = 5;
  const b = 8;

  export let numbers = [];

  {#each numbers as number}

{#if a < b}
  <p>a is less than b</p>
  <p>b is less than a</p>


npx svelte-to-html template.svelte template.html '{"numbers": [2, 5, 7]}'
###                <filepath>          <output>     <props>


<p>a is less than b</p>

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