pocketbase-sveltekit-static Svelte Themes

Pocketbase Sveltekit Static

PocketBase + SvelteKit (Static): minimalistic template with configured authorization featuring a single binary or Docker image (from 59 MB) for deploying.

PocketBase + SvelteKit (Static) Project Template

It's v2 of the template. The old version could be found in branch v1.

Welcome to the PocketBase + SvelteKit project template! This template allows you to effortlessly create a single Docker container housing both the backend (PocketBase) and frontend (SvelteKit) for your projects. With a minimal image size of just 59 MB, it's perfect for cost-effective hosting providers and projects without extensive public pages that require SEO. It's still possible to prerender some pages with SvelteKit, but it's not the main focus of this template.


  • PocketBase extended with Go (PocketBase 0.25.8)
  • SvelteKit with adapter-static (Svelte 5.22.2, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS)
  • Ready to use login, registration, and auth-requiring routes
  • Single binary with embedded frontend (~47 MB)
  • GitHub Action to build and push the Docker image (~59 MB) to ghcr.io


  1. Fork this repository
    • Replace all github.com/YOUR-ORG/YOUR-REPO to your GitHub repo. For instance, github.com/Egor-S/my-awesome-project
    • Update default app settings in pocketbase/migrations/1739793600_initial_settings.go
  2. Start your PocketBase server cd pocketbase && go run . serve in the first terminal
    • Create a superuser account
  3. Start your SvelteKit dev server cd sveltekit && npm run dev in the second terminal
  4. Access both SvelteKit and PocketBase at localhost:5173

Find more details in respective README files.

Build and run Docker image

To build the Docker image locally, run:

docker build . -t my-awesome-project:latest

The image is simple enough to be run without docker compose:

docker run -p 8090:8090 -v ./pb_data:/app/pb_data my-awesome-project:latest

Get single binary

container_id=$(docker create my-awesome-project:latest)
docker cp $container_id:/app/pocketbase ./pocketbase
docker rm $container_id


We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit issues or pull requests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Special thanks to PocketBase, SvelteKit, and the authors of other PocketBase-SvelteKit templates (1, 2).


If you have any questions or feedback, please use the GitHub Issues page.

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