Rollup Plugin Svelte Ssr
Rollup plugin that injects SSR-ed markup and/or styles in custom html-template
Rollup Plugin Svelte Combiner
Rollup plugin to combine multi-file Svelte components // Mirror of https://gi…
Rollup Plugin Svelte Component Ioc
Replaces direct references to svelte components with dynamic references fetch…
Rollup Plugin Layout Intercept
Replaces the App.svelte import in main.js with a Golden Layout wrapper compon…
Rollup Plugin Express Svelte
A rollup plugin to bundle views with complete or partial hydration from expre…
Rollup Plugin Svelte Component Barrel File
This repo/package/whatever creates a barrel file for your Svelte components.
Rollup Plugin Ioc Editing Tools
Adds some simple editing components for use with rollup-plugin-svelte-compone…
Portfolio Svelte V1 Demo
First iteration of svelte portfolio. Currently being used as demo for rollup-…