Svelte Simple Icons
📦 This package provides the Simple Icons packaged as a set of Svelte components.
Svelte Maplibre Components
This repository to manage packages of svelte maplibre components for water ap…
Sveltekit Package Template
A barebones project that provides the essentials for writing highly-optimized…
Create Svelte With Args
A small CLI wrapper around the create-svelte package that enables you to repl…
Svelte Lorca Template
A template to use GoLang Lorca package to make desktop applications using web…
Sveltekit Airtable Quickstart
Implements the official Airtable NPM package, making fetched records accessib…
Appscripts Modules Ft Svelte
Build an AppScripts add-on using Svelte frontend. Or build a project using no…
Svelte Sortable Items
svelte-sortable-items is a svelte/sveltekit package to create sortable drag-a…
Svelte Tables Tailwind
(Svelte + Tailwind) Table Package which can render and Change the Data Type F…