is a lightweight and flexible package designed to make route guarding in SvelteKit applications easy and efficient. It ensures that only authorized users can access specific routes, enhancing your app’s security. With svelte-guard
, you can manage route guards seamlessly, avoiding redundant code across your project.
│-- routes/
│ │-- login/
│ │ ├── -guard.ts # Guard for login route
│ │ └── +page.svelte
│ │-- admin/
│ │ ├── settings/
│ │ │ ├── -guard.ts # Extends admin guard
│ │ │ └── +page.svelte
│ │ ├── -guard.ts # Admin guard for all sub-routes
│ │ └── +page.svelte
│ └── +layout.svelte
│-- hooks.server.ts # Register guards here
Install svelte-guard
via npm:
npm install svelte-guard
To use svelte-guard
, you need to define guard files for your routes and register them.
Define guards in `-guard.ts` (or `.js`) files inside your route directories. Each guard file controls access to its associated route and its children.
// routes/admin/-guard.ts
import type { Guard } from 'svelte-guard';
import { redirect } from '@sveltejs/kit';
export const guard: Guard = async ({ locals }) => {
// Example: Check if the user is an admin
if (!locals.user.isAdmin) {
return false; // Access denied
// or redirect the request in here:
// return redirect(307, '/');
return true;
// Optional redirect for unauthorized users
// this will be the default for nested sub-routes
export const reroute = '/';
In `hooks.server.ts`, register your route guards using the `createGuardHook` function from `svelte-guard`:
// hooks.server.ts
import { createGuardHook } from 'svelte-guard';
const guards = import.meta.glob('./routes/**/-guard.*');
export const handle = createGuardHook(guards);
// Optional: Specify a default redirect route if a guard fails
// export const handle = createGuardHook(guards, '/login');
// src/routes/dashboard/-guard.ts
import type { Guard } from 'svelte-guard';
export const guard: Guard = async ({ locals }) => {
return locals.session === undefined;
// Redirect if the guard fails
export const reroute = '/login';
// src/routes/api/-guard.ts
import type { Guard } from 'svelte-guard';
export const guard: Guard = async ({ request }) => {
const header = request.headers.get('Authorization');
const token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
if (!header || header !== `Bearer ${token}`) {
return false;
return true;
// No reroute specified = 403 Forbidden on failure
You can chain multiple hooks together using SvelteKit’s `sequence` function:
// hooks.server.ts
import { sequence } from '@sveltejs/kit/hooks';
import { createGuardHook } from 'svelte-guard';
const guards = import.meta.glob('./routes/**/-guard.*');
const GuardHook = createGuardHook(guards);
export const handle = sequence(OtherHook, GuardHook);
To help you easily identify guard files in VSCode, you can enable custom labels for tabs. Add the following to your `settings.json`:
"workbench.editor.customLabels.enabled": true,
"workbench.editor.customLabels.patterns": {
"**/src/routes/**/-guard.{ts,js}": "${dirname} - Guard"
We welcome contributions to `svelte-guard`! Whether it's fixing bugs, adding new features, or suggesting improvements, feel free to open issues or submit pull requests on GitHub.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.