Tauri2 Svelte5 Shadcn
A clean desktop application template that combines Tauri 2 with Svelte 5 + Sh…
Tauri2 Svelte5 Boilerplate
A clean desktop application template that combines Tauri 2 with Svelte 5 + Da…
Django Svelte Template
sveltekit / svelte5 with django; auth, forms-actions, toast/flash messages, v…
Svelte5 Chrome Extension
Chrome Extension Starter using Vite, Svelte 5, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and D…
Ag Grid Svelte5 Extended
AG-Grid wrapper component for Svelte 5 (runes) with support for Svelte compon…
Svelte Scrollto Element
Scroll to element with smooth animation. Lightweight library for Svelte. No d…