Sveltekit Static Blog Template
A lightweight and customizable template for blogs and portfolio websites, bui…
Flowbite Svelte Admin Dashboard
Free and open-source admin dashboard template built with Flowbite, Svelte, an…
Kotlin Jooby Svelte Template
App template using Kotlin + Jooby + Svelte + Selenide, including how to write…
Svelte Kit Ethers Template
Typescript Boilerplate for building Ethereum dApps with Svelte Kit, TailwindC…
Svelte Web Components Template
A base template for building a shareable web components library with Vite, Sv…
Streamlit Component Svelte Template
Template for building Streamlit components using Svelte for the component's f…
Sanity Template Svelte Kit
A minimal, fully customizable SvelteKit front-end powered by data.
Sveltekit Browser Extension Template
template for developing browser extensions with SvelteKit. Popup window and o…
Sveltekit Cloudflare Template
A fully functional SvelteKit template that integrates Cloudflare services (Pa…
Svelte Custom Element Template
Svelte template for custom elements with storybook and i18n configured. Allow…