Svelte Bottom Sheet


The BottomSheet component is a sleek, interactive UI element for mobile-first and desktop applications. It provides a smooth and customizable sliding sheet that can be triggered from the bottom of the screen. Whether you're building a mobile app or a responsive web app, the BottomSheet component offers an intuitive and engaging way to display additional content or options.


Bottom Sheet Preview


  • Customizable: Control the style, maximum height and snap points of the sheet.
  • Snap Points: Option to let the Bottom Sheet snap to specific positions.
  • Smooth Animations: Sleek transitions for opening, closing, and dragging the sheet.
  • Lightweight & Easy to Integrate: Just add the component and configure the settings.
  • Event Handling: Built-in events such as onopen and onclose to track user interactions.
  • Different Position: Position the sheet not only on the bottom but also on the sides and on the top


You can use the BottomSheet component in any SvelteKit project.

  1. Install the Component

    If you're starting from scratch, create a SvelteKit project:

    npx sv create my-app
    cd my-app
  2. NPM Install the Bottom Sheet

    npm i svelte-bottom-sheet
  3. Import the component and use it

     <script lang="ts">
          import BottomSheet from 'svelte-bottom-sheet';
     <BottomSheet settings={{maxHeight: 0.7}}>
          <p>Open the sheet</p>
             <BottomSheet.Handle />
                <h3>Content inside the bottom sheet</h3>
                <p>Here you can put any content you need.</p>




This is the root component of every Bottom Sheet. It allows you to add your own configuration, attach functions which are called when a specific event is fired and add all other components which need to be used for the Bottom Sheet.

Default z-index is 50.


Property Type Default Description
isOpen boolean false Determines whether the bottom sheet is visible. BINDABLE (bind:isOpen)
settings BottomSheetSettings default Settings for the BottomSheet.


Event Description
onopen Fires when the Bottom Sheet opens.
onclose Fires when the Bottom Sheet closes.
onsheetdrag Fires while the Bottom Sheet is being dragged.
onsheetdragstart Fires when the Bottom Sheet starts being dragged.
onsheetdragend Fires when the Bottom Sheet ends being dragged.
onsnap Fires when a snapable Bottom Sheet snaps to a snap point.

Keyboard Controls (when active)

Key Action
Escape (Esc) Closes the Bottom Sheet.

BottomSheet.Trigger (Optional)


This component creates a trigger area around its children which when clicked will open or close the Bottom Sheet.


Property Type Default Description HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> default Default HTMLElement property options.

BottomSheet.Overlay (Optional)


An overlay which covers the screen while the Bottom Sheet is opened. Default z-index is 49.


Property Type Default Description HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> default Default HTMLDivElement property options.

BottomSheet.Sheet (Required)


This is the functional Bottom Sheet component, which will be shown / hidden when the Bottom Sheet opens / closes. This applies to all children.


Property Type Default Description HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> default Default HTMLDivElement property options.

BottomSheet.Handle (Optional)


The handle is more than just a visual element—it provides functional support for user interactions. When dragging the handle, users can always pull down the Bottom Sheet, even if it’s not fully scrolled to the top.

Additionally, it is fully customizable and includes accessibility features, such as opening, closing, and snapping to snap points using arrow keys.


Property Type Default Description HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> default Default HTMLDivElement property options.

Keyboard Controls (when focused)

Key Action
Arrow Up (↑) Moves the Bottom Sheet to the next snap point (if applicable).
Arrow Down (↓) Moves the Bottom Sheet to the previous snap point or closes it if at the lowest position.
Home Moves the Bottom Sheet to the highest snappoint when snappoints are set.
End Moves the Bottom Sheet to the lowest snappoint when snappoints are set.
Escape (Esc) Closes the Bottom Sheet.

BottomSheet.Content (Optional)


This is the component where your Bottom Sheet content goes into.


Property Type Default Description HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> default Default HTMLDivElement property options.

BottomSheetSettings Type


Name Type Description Default Value
maxHeight number Sets the maximum height of the Bottom Sheet. Values between 0 and 1 are treated as percentages (e.g., 0.7 = 70%). Anything ≥1 is treated as pixels. 0.7
snapPoints number[] An array of snap points for the Bottom Sheet. Values follow the same percentage and pixel rules. ([0.25, 0.5, 0.75] = [25%, 50%, 75%]) [1]
closeThreshold number The percentage of the Bottom Sheet's height that the user must drag for it to close. 0.1
autoCloseThreshold number The percentage of the Bottom Sheet's height that the user must drag for it to auto-close. Use 0 to disable. 0
startingSnappoint number The snappoint the Bottom Sheet will start at when opened. 1
disableDragging boolean Disable dragging of the sheet. false
position "top" "bottom" "left" "right" Set the position where the sheet is positioned and moved to. bottom
disableClosing boolean Whether the sheet should be closable by keybinds or not. Includes: ESC-Keybind and outside-click-action. Closing by binding the isSheetOpen-Property is still allowed! false


  • Any value between 0 and 1 will be interpreted as a percentage (e.g., 0.7 = 70%).
  • Any value ≥1 will be interpreted as pixels (e.g., 300 = 300px).
  • Pixel values which go above the maxHeight property value won't apply!

Controlling the Bottom Sheet Programmatically

In addition to using the Trigger component, you can directly control the Bottom Sheet’s visibility and behavior through bindings and function calls.

Binding the isSheetOpen Property

The isSheetOpen property can be bound to a variable, allowing you to open or close the Bottom Sheet programmatically.

Example Usage

<script lang="ts">
    let isSheetOpen = $state(false);

<BottomSheet bind:isSheetOpen />

Now, setting isSheetOpen = true will open the Bottom Sheet, and setting it to false will close it.

Assigning the Bottom Sheet to a Variable

You can also assign the Bottom Sheet to a variable using the bind:this directive. This allows you to call methods on the component instance.

Snapping to a Specific Snap Point

If your Bottom Sheet has defined snapPoints, you can programmatically move it to a specific snap position using the setSnapPoint method.

Method: setSnapPoint(point: number, throwEvent: boolean = true): boolean


Parameter Type Default Description
point number - The snap point to move the Bottom Sheet to.
throwEvent boolean true Whether an onsnap event should be emitted.


Type Description
boolean true if snapping was successful, false if the provided snappoint does not exist.

Example Usage

<script lang="ts">
    let sheet;

    function snapToMiddle() {

<BottomSheet bind:this={sheet} settings={{ snapPoints: [0.25, 0.5, 0.75] }}>
    <button onclick={snapToMiddle}>Snap to 50%</button>

Bottom Sheet Positions [EXPERIMENTAL]

It is possible to not only positionthe Bottom Sheet on the bottom, you can also position it left, right and on the top of the screen. Take a look on the Bottom Sheet Settings to see how you can change the positions.


Before version 2.0, the sheet only supported the bottom position, and positioning was not configurable. The width of the sheet was configured using the max-width style.

With version 2.0 introducing position options, switching to left or right while using max-width for controlling the sheets horizontal width, will cause issues, because the positioning direction would be horizontal.

Please use the height and maxHeight style to control the sheets "width", in this case the "height".

Also, snappoint Bottom Sheets are not not supported for the left and right position as of version 2.0.0 .


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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