Svelte Bottom Sheet


The BottomSheet component is a sleek, interactive UI element for mobile-first and desktop applications. It provides a smooth and customizable sliding sheet that can be triggered from the bottom of the screen. Whether you're building a mobile app or a responsive web app, the BottomSheet component offers an intuitive and engaging way to display additional content or options.


Bottom Sheet Preview


  • Customizable: Control the style, maximum height and snap points of the sheet.
  • Snap Points: Option to let the Bottom Sheet snap to specific positions.
  • Smooth Animations: Sleek transitions for opening, closing, and dragging the sheet.
  • Lightweight & Easy to Integrate: Just add the component and configure the settings.
  • Event Handling: Built-in events such as onopen and onclose to track user interactions.


You can use the BottomSheet component in any SvelteKit project.

  1. Install the Component

    If you're starting from scratch, create a SvelteKit project:

    npx sv create my-app
    cd my-app
  2. NPM Install the Bottom Sheet

    npm i svelte-bottom-sheet
  3. Import the component

     <script lang="ts">
         import BottomSheet from 'svelte-bottom-sheet';
         let isOpen = $state(false);
     <button onclick={() => (isOpen = true)}>Open Bottom Sheet</button>
     <BottomSheet bind:isOpen={isOpen} settings={{maxHeight: '70%'}}>
                <h3>Content inside the bottom sheet</h3>
                <p>Here you can put any content you need.</p>



Property Type Default Description
isOpen boolean false Determines whether the bottom sheet is visible. BINDABLE (bind:isOpen)
settings BottomSheetSettings default Settings for the BottomSheet.

BottomSheetSettings Type


Name Type Description Default Value
maxHeight string Sets the maximum height of the Bottom Sheet. The value should be in percentage (90%). 70%
snapPoints number[] An array of snap points for the Bottom Sheet. Each value represents a height at which the sheet can stop during the transition. Values in percentage points. ([25, 50, 75]) []
closePercentage number The percentage of the Bottom Sheet's height that the user must drag for it to close, measured in percentage points. 10


Event Description
onopen() Fires when the Bottom Sheet opens.
onclose() Fires when the Bottom Sheet closes.

BottomSheet Component Usage

There is a lot of stuff you can use inside BottomSheet which will be explained after the example usage.

Example Usage

<script lang="ts">
   let isSheetOpen = $state(false);

<BottomSheet bind:isOpen={isSheetOpen}>
        <p>Click to open the sheet.</p>
                <h3>Bottom Sheet Title</h3>

Key Features

  1. Binding the isOpen Property:
    The isOpen property is bound to a variable (here, isEventsSheetOpen) to track whether the bottom sheet is open or closed. You can control the sheet’s state programmatically by modifying the bound variable.


    let isEventsSheetOpen = $state(false);
  2. Trigger Area:
    The BottomSheet.Trigger component defines the area that opens / closes the bottom sheet when clicked. You can style it and use any content inside the trigger.


  3. Handling Open/Close Events:
    You can listen to onopen and onclose events to trigger custom logic when the sheet is opened or closed. This is useful for tracking interactions or performing other actions.


        onopen={() => logEvent('Bottom Sheet opened.')}
        onclose={() => logEvent('Bottom Sheet closed.')}
  4. Overlay & Content: If you want to add a Overlay, you can do that by wrapping the BottomSheet.Sheet with BottomSheet.Overlay. You can style the overlay using the style property.

    You can use BottomSheet.Content inside BottomSheet.Sheet to display content. It's optional, but you are able to style it.

  5. Customizing the Sheet:
    The content inside the BottomSheet.Sheet component is fully customizable. You can add everything (really everything).

  6. Notes on Trigger and isOpen:
    You can both use the Trigger Area and the isOpen State for opening and closing the sheet. Depends on your preferences.


Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

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