svelte-starter Svelte Themes

Svelte Starter

A starter SvelteKit package using Storybook, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Prettier, ESLint, and PNPM.


A starter SvelteKit package using Storybook, Tailwind CSS, TypeScript, Prettier, ESLint, and PNPM.

Starter Setup

  1. pnpx degit kaleabmelkie/svelte-starter your-project-name

  2. Configure the name, version, license and private fields in package.json

  3. Update this README to fit your project


# installation & setup
pnpm install

# development:
pnpm dev

# storybook development:
pnpm storybook

# production build:
pnpm build

# production preview:
pnpm preview

# storybook production build:
pnpm build-storybook

# production packaging:
pnpm package

# manually updating dependencies:
pnpm up -i -r -L

Storybook static output folder (for deployment): ./storybook-static/


Made with ♥ in Addis Ababa.

MIT License © 2022 Kaleab S. Melkie.

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