Svelte Kit Ethers Template
Typescript Boilerplate for building Ethereum dApps with Svelte Kit, TailwindC…
Soroban Template Sveltekit Passkeys
A Stellar template to get started building a passkeys-powered dapp, using Sve…
Ic Azle Svelte Starter Template
This is the starter template for developing dapps on IC using azle and svelte
Soroban Template Sveltekit
A Stellar template to start building a dapp, using SvelteKit (with Skeleton)
Sveltekit Dapp Template
Template for building a dApp with svelte-kit and web3.js (subject to change)
Fcl Sveltekit Boilerplate 1
This is a boilerplate to kick start your FCL and SveltKit dApp Development fa…
Flow Fcl Sveltekit Boilerplate 2
This is a boilerplate (2) to kick start your FCL and SveltKit dApp Developmen…
Flow Fcl Sveltekit Boilerplate 1
This is a boilerplate (1) to kick start your FCL and SveltKit dApp Developmen…