Svelte Kit Ethers Template
Typescript Boilerplate for building Ethereum dApps with Svelte Kit, TailwindC…
Ic Azle Svelte Starter Template
This is the starter template for developing dapps on IC using azle and svelte
Sveltekit Dapp Template
Template for building a dApp with svelte-kit and web3.js (subject to change)
Soroban Template Sveltekit Passkeys
A Stellar template to get started building a passkeys-powered dapp, using Sve…
Fcl Sveltekit Boilerplate 1
This is a boilerplate to kick start your FCL and SveltKit dApp Development fa…
Flow Fcl Sveltekit Boilerplate 2
This is a boilerplate (2) to kick start your FCL and SveltKit dApp Developmen…
Flow Fcl Sveltekit Boilerplate 1
This is a boilerplate (1) to kick start your FCL and SveltKit dApp Developmen…