🧩 A beautiful library with SVG logos. Built with Sveltekit & Tailwind CSS.
Logos etc for Svelte and related projects
Generate from QR Code with style, logo, and Error Level Rate that serve to av…
Logo placeholder components for Svelte
Svelte components for Svelte-based logos.
Terminus logo icon for React, Solid, Vue, Svelte and Angular. Powered by Mito…
340+ SVG logos for popular brands from SuperTinyIcons
A set of recipe cards, icons, & logos demo'd for Cupcakes, Obviously inc.
Frontend for elm-logo, using Svelte
Clock app using Svelte and OS logo
Prototype of a logo gallery using Svelte and Radar ADR.
A logo generator for Minestom made in svelte
Script to generate my animated SVG logo seen on my website.
simple-icons components for various frontend libraries
Small system for rendering logos (or any other type of image) as a collection…