Svelte Tauri FileDrop

Tauri file drop handling component for Svelte.


npm install svelte-tauri-filedrop


<script lang="ts">
    import FileDrop from 'svelte-tauri-filedrop'

    function open(paths: string[]) {
        // ...

<FileDrop extensions={['json']} handleFiles={open} let:files>
    <div class="dropzone" class:droppable={files.length > 0}>
        <h2>Drop JSON files</h2>

    .dropzone {
        margin: 20px;
        padding: 20px;
        background: #eee;
    .droppable {
        background: #d6dff0;


extensions property: string[] | null

List of allowed file extensions. Disallowed files are filtered out. If it's null (default), all file extensions are allowed.

handleFiles property: (string[]) => {}

Handle a file drop of one or more files

handleOneFile property: (string[]) => {}

Handle a file drop of a single file. Note that handleFile() is also called. This is not called if any disallowed files were filtered out.

files slot property: string[]

An array of the currently droppable files, excluding disallowed files. You can use this variable through a let binding: let:files.

Dev Instructions

Get started

  1. Install Node.js (v14 works)
  2. Install Rust (v1.50 works)
  3. Follow the Tauri setup guide
  4. Run npm install


  • npm run dev: Start in dev mode
  • npm run package: Build and package the component
  • npm run lint: Lint
  • npm run format: Format

Publish new version

  1. Update
  2. Check for errors npm run lint
  3. Bump the version number npm version --no-git-tag <version>
  4. Generate the package npm run package
  5. Publish the package npm publish
  6. Commit with a tag in format "v#.#.#"
  7. Create GitHub release with release notes

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