Vscode Highlight Text
自定义配置任意语言的高亮语法,比如 vue、react、svelte、solid 等,你可以强调突出一些特定的语法或者事件,让你更加容易阅读代码也可以让你…
Sveltekit Shiki Code Highlighting
SvelteKit Shiki syntax highlighting: use any VSCode colour theme to accessibl…
Vscode Svelte Custom Editor
Demonstrates a simple example of getting Svelte into a VS Code Webview for a …
Svelte Preprocess Config
Explanation & Guide how to make work together Svelte-Preprocess and Svelte Li…
Svelte Code Cypress Project
Template for a sveltejs project with VSCode prettier, eslint and cypress
Vscode Webview Extension Svelte
A template repository to quickly make a Visual Studio Code Webview Extension …
Svelte Ts Snowpack Vscode
Svelte + Snowpack, TypeScript, SCSS, Jest with tight VSCode debugging. The go…