svelte support for (Neo)Vim
Vim syntax highlighting and indentation for Svelte 3 components.
A file manager built using Svelte and Wails. It has hotkeys that are modal ju…
CosmicNvim is a lightweight and opinionated Neovim config for web development…
Snippets for Svelte and SvelteKit for Neovim powered by Luasnip
Use Svelte Inspector in Vim/Neovim! (Actually you can use this with React, Vu…
My neovim setup with code completion, support for rust, c/c++, zig and python…
A very simple tool to run the svelte-check tool and pipe the results into neo…
Deliberate.nvim adds a sub-mode for Neovim to manipulate HTML syntax & Tailwi…
svelte minimal Template configured with prettier for vim/neovim to work exact…
Personal website
My configuration for working with SvelteKit in neovim
Conceal your long HTML class attributes!
A neovim plugin for quick installation of shadcn-svelte components into your …
Various example projects to test neovim lsp functionality
Configuracion personal de NeoVim como IDE de desarrollo, configurado principa…
A todo app, in the terminal, or with a GUI. Simple and Frictionless.
Neovim configuration based in the configuration from ThePrimeagen, used mainl…
A little typing game I am working on two learn svelte & pnpm, try live blocks…
An SPA using the tree-sitter wasm binding that converts JSON to Lua objects, …
config neovim (lazyVim starter) untuk windows dan linux untuk ekosistem [java…