svelte support for (Neo)Vim
Vim syntax highlighting and indentation for Svelte 3 components.
CosmicNvim is a lightweight and opinionated Neovim config for web development…
A file manager built using Svelte and Wails. It has hotkeys that are modal ju…
Use Svelte Inspector in Vim/Neovim! (Actually you can use this with React, Vu…
My neovim setup with code completion, support for rust, c/c++, zig and python…
A very simple tool to run the svelte-check tool and pipe the results into neo…
svelte minimal Template configured with prettier for vim/neovim to work exact…
My configuration for working with SvelteKit in neovim
Conceal your long HTML class attributes!
Personal website
Various example projects to test neovim lsp functionality
Configuracion personal de NeoVim como IDE de desarrollo, configurado principa…
A todo app, in the terminal, or with a GUI. Simple and Frictionless.
Neovim configuration based in the configuration from ThePrimeagen, used mainl…
Vim/Neovim CoC CSS class completion plugin
An SPA using the tree-sitter wasm binding that converts JSON to Lua objects, …
config neovim (lazyVim starter) untuk windows dan linux untuk ekosistem [java…