Svelte Preprocess Cssmodules
Svelte preprocessor to generate CSS Modules classname on Svelte components
Sapper Typescript Graphql Template
A template that includes Sapper for Svelte, TypeScript preprocessing, and a G…
Sapper Postcss Template
A template that includes Sapper for Svelte and PostCSS preprocessing with Tai…
Svelte Subcomponent Preprocessor
A Svelte preprocessor for writing more than one component per file.
Svelte Preprocessor Fetch
A preprocessor for Svelte can be used to fetch data before the component is c…
Glory Svelte Preprocess
A svelte preprocess for safely minimizing CSS class footprint for unbeliveabl…
Sveltekit Typescript Windicss
template for SvelteKit & TypeScript & WindiCSS(svelte-windicss-preprocess)
Svelte Sequential Preprocessor
A Svelte preprocessor that wraps preprocessors to force them to be called seq…
Svelte Preprocess Config
Explanation & Guide how to make work together Svelte-Preprocess and Svelte Li…
Svelte Preprocess Css Global
A Svelte preprocessor to create global prefixed css and support for postcss.
Svelte Image Preprocessing Clodinary
Pre-process svelte markup to replace images source for cloudinary remote with…
Svelte Classlist Preprocess
This is a svelte preprocessor that allows you to use an array inside the clas…
Sample Svelte Scss Lib
This repository demonstrates how one can build a svelte component library wit…