
A template repository to quickly make a Visual Studio Code Webview Extension using Svelte 5 and Rollup

This repo gives you everything you need to start making your own webview extensions using the power and reactivity of Svelte. It automatically comes with everything you need, from components to CSS.


You can create a template repository by running npx vscode-webview-extension-svelte-generator folder-name in your terminal.

After you create your repo, follow the install steps to get started. To run your extension, you can run npm run compile to begin compiling the frontend and backend, and press F5 to start the Extension enviroment.

You can find the extension by pressing Ctrl-Shift-P and navigating to Hello World.

When you do make a change on the front or backend, use Ctrl-R on your Extension Environment to see the changes. You can also close the webview page and reopen it using Ctrl-Shift-P.

After that, you are good to go! Read the Directory Composition section to see where to find which files. Read the Examples section to see examples of what to do.

Directory Composition

Front End

This is your webview itself and all files pertaining to it:

File / Folder Use
src/main.ts The base file for your Svelte Webview
src/App.svelte This is your webview page
src/css/ This folder holds all your CSS
src/components/ You can put all your Svelte components here

You can put ts files that you use on the front end anywhere in the project directory EXCEPT the src/extension folder.

Back End

This is the VSCode Backend that will contain all files used by the backend.

File / Folder Use
src/extension/extension.ts This is the base file for your extension.
src/extension/panel.ts This is the class that handles the creation of the Panel.
src/extension/ Place all utility ts files here


VSCode-Webview-Extension-Svelte supports libraries like TailwindCSS, which you can add in the setup script.

If you want to add other popular libraries to your project, and did not do so in the setup script, go to ADDITIONS.md.


Sending data from the backend to front end


import * as vscode from 'vscode';
import { SveltePanel } from './panel';

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
 let disposable = vscode.commands.registerCommand('extension-name.helloWorld', () => {
  SveltePanel.render("showPanel", "Panel Name", context.extensionUri);

   title: "data-name",
   msg: "This is a message from the backend"


export function deactivate() {}


 window.addEventListener("message", (e) => {
  if (e.data.title === "data-name")

<p class="title">Hello, World!</p>


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VSCode Webview Extension Svelte is licensed under the MIT license


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