Sveltekit Supabase Dashboard
Dashboard inspired by Supabase UI and made with SvelteKit as frontend and Sup…
Svelte Snake Workshop
A workshop that teaches Svelte and SvelteKit through making the classic game …
Sveltekit Landing Daisy
A landing page template with various persistent themes using SvelteKit, Tailw…
Sveltekit Web Scraper
Example repo for web scraping with Sveltekit API routes, Puppeteer, and Verce…
Finalgoal Svelte Ecommerce
The open-source storefront for any ecommerce. Built with a PWA and headless a…
Sveltekit Tailwindcss Prismic Graphql Vercel
Sveltekit starter with tailwindcss JIT, PrismicCMS, Graphql and Vercel adapter
Turbo Next Sveltekit Tailwind
A monorepo using Vercel's Turborepo with 3 next.js templates and one svelteki…
Sveltekit Ts Tailwind
Trying out the new SvelteKit with TailwindCSS. Deployed on vercel using the l…