SvelteKit MDX starter blog with MDsveX (Svelte in markdown)
Fully TypeScript Support for Vue + Svelte + Angular + MDX on Web IDE
Write Svelte code in Markdown files!
Here is my personal site 💫 which was built with Astro 🧑🚀 and TailwindCSS💨
Sample application using Svelte, Routify, and MDsveX
A small **Micro Frontend** app using React, Vue, Svelte, and MDX
MDX Blog application using sveltekit
Build static pages with MDX, JSX/TSX components, and Bun.
Exploratory repo for Svelte for using i18n and MDX files
Syntax highlighting for Svelte in Markdown and MDX code blocks
Starter example to demonstrate pattern with MDX Doc
A starter template for SvelteKit with Tailwind, Typescript, and MDX support.
Personal blog. Using as testing ground for a bunch of web technologies.
Simple naive package that utilizes unifiedjs to transform Markdown to working…
Based on Astro, Starlight, Svelte, Markdown, MDX, TailwindCSS, TypeScript bui…
Talk about eliminating React from runtime
My new blog made with Astro and Svelte components with MDX support.
Micro-blogging/note-sharing webpage build with Svelte.
Compile svx files (mdx for svelte) into multipe SPAs that can run without a s…
Personal website built with SvelteKit, Tailwind CSS, and shadcn/ui. Deployed …
A personal portfolio & blog using Astro3.0, Svelte, TailwindCSS, and DaisyUI
Personal Website
This is a website about a few Catholic saints, whose intercession we rely on …
This is the source code for Kaizan Sultan's personal portfolio website, built…
Personal website, CV, and portfolio
カテゴリ問わずのAwesomeリスト | Awesome list that included any categories.
Personal blog and portfolio
🔥🦊🛠 This is a terminal file browser style startpage ⭐ Star the re…