Alt Text Generator

Alt Text Generator


Vite + Svelte app that uses Azure OpenAI Service (GPT-4 Turbo with Vision) and a Vercel Serverless Function to analyse an image and provide you with a caption to use as alt text!

Demo Recording

Steps to Run Locally

  • Create a Microsoft Azure account, followed by a OpenAI resource with Vision preview
    • Make sure to choose one of the following Azure regions: Australia East, Japan East, Sweden Central, Switzerland North, and West US (since we're using the gpt-4, vision-preview model, which is in preview)
  • Install Vercel CLI
  • Clone this repository
  • Run npm install
  • Change the file .env.example to .env
  • Add your Azure Computer Vision endpoint and API key to the .env file
  • Add your environment variables to the Vercel project using vercel env add ENV_VAR command (replace ENV_VAR with your environment variables)
  • Run vercel dev


POST /api/alttext


Name Description Location Type
Content-Type The content type of the request body Header application/json
image Image to get alt text for Body Base64 string


  "image": "..."


Sample Response:

  "message": "A group of individuals focused on their laptops at a dimly-lit indoor event, with some engaging in discussion while others are intently viewing their screens. Visible stickers and branding on the laptops suggest a tech-oriented gathering."

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