Svelte + Sapper + GraphQL + Firebase Auth
ChatGPT API wrapper
build profile with sveltekit graphql hasura postgres
Full-Stack BaaS: CapRover, SvelteKit, NodeJS Functions, Hasura, PostgreSQL, H…
Collection of svelte components for firebase authentication and hasura
A template made for travellers.
SvelteKit x Tailwind CSS x Supabase x Turborepo (pnpm)
Demonstration of Nhost v2 Hasura Auth + SvelteKit
Svelte + Hasura client + Vite
A simple URL Shortener built on Svelte & GraphQL
Svelte app with hasura backend
Sweet & Powerful SvelteKit Project Template https://spectacular-console.verce…
WIP test svelte with hasura
Svelte UI connected to
app using postgres, hasura, and sveltekit
A demo of using Lucia Auth and Hasura within a SvelteKit application
use Svelte-Kit & apollo-client & hasura TODO app
Boilerplate for Turborepo, Hasura, Svelte, TailwindCSS, and more
MMy first app made with Svelte, Hasura & Apollo
An example of using Svelte with Firebase, GraphQL and Hasura
Bash script to setup new project for svelte (webpack), tailwind, (hasura or f…
A simple create/read application to explore svelte, hasura, tailwindCSS.
A sample Svelte 3 app to demonstrate usage of Nhost app using Hasura GraphQL …
Concept for a shopping cart system using svelte and hasura and example of amp…
The Planet of the Bugs training platform creates fake bug scenarios. It allow…
SvelteKit Starter Template Moved to:
The goal of this scaffolding is to quickly start a production-ready codebase …