Sveltekit Auth Template
SvelteKit user template authentication, authorization model for sveltekit, co…
Reactjs Handle Refresh Token
Handle refresh token with fetch, axios, umi-request, apollo-client, brainless…
Sveltekit Jwt Authentication
In this tutorial, we'll delve into the implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT)…
Tse Token Auth Svelte Example
Example using token auth as a Svelte app. Used by the tse-advanced-tutorial, …
Developed an ERC-20 token and wrote smart contracts with full CRUD functional…
Rs Style Token Recommendations
Utility that scans for Svelte, CSS, and SCSS files to make recommendations on…
Style Token Recommendations
TS/Node Utility that scans for Svelte, CSS, and SCSS files to make recommenda…
Sveltekit Graphql Auth
Sample JWT log in using Apollo Client connecting to a GraphQL/Apollo Server, …
Fastapi Sveltekit Template
This project is a template for a web application consisting of a FastAPI back…