
Sveltekit Graphql Auth

Sample JWT log in using Apollo Client connecting to a GraphQL/Apollo Server, without using session to store user token

This is old, and pre-sveltekit 1.0!!!

It should work after migration, I'll update ASAP if someone really wants it to be honest just put in an Issue

Houdini does this better with stores and with auth, however if you wanted something thinner and do all that coding yourself this is that.

Boiler Plate Sveltekit GraphQL Bearer Auth

Everything you need to build a Svelte + GraphQL project with a Bearer Token Auth.

Based off of Rodeny's Work


1. NPM install

# create a new project in the current directory
npm install

2. Add a .env

Can use the VITE imports but I used env-cmd package to make it.


3. Run it

Use the commands bellow to run in dev or production


Use the following to open it in hot reload:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev --open


Before creating a production version of your app, install an adapter for your target environment. Then:

npm run build

You can preview the built app with npm run preview, regardless of whether you installed an adapter. This should not be used to serve your app in production.

API Refrence

Using a Neo4j-GraphQL-Boilerplate, with the following definitions

const typeDefs = `
   type User @exclude(operations: [CREATE, DELETE]) {
        id: ID @id
        username: String!
        password: String! @auth(rules: [{ allow: { id: "$jwt.sub" } }])
    type Mutation {
        signUp(username: String!, password: String!): String! ### JWT
        signIn(username: String!, password: String!): String! ### JWT
/*... custom resolvers*/
const resolvers = {
    Mutation: {
        signUp: async (_source, { username, password }) => {
            const [existing] = await User.find({
                where: {

            if (existing) {
                throw new Error(`User with username ${username} already exists!`);

            const [user] = await User.create({
                input: [

            return jwt.sign({ sub: }, "secret");
        signIn: async (_source, { username, password }) => {
            const [user] = await User.find({
                where: {

            if (!user) {
                throw new Error(`User with username ${username} not found!`);
            if (password == user.password) {
                return  jwt.sign({ username: user.username,  sub:}, "secret");
            } else {
                throw new Error(`Incorrect password for user with username ${username}!`);

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