This hosts code for Automated Token System.
ATS automates the process of loading KPLC tokens to the meter by augmenting keypresses on the CIU.
In order for this process to happen, the system relies on KPLC sending the token and meter number on purchase.
Every KPLC Request MUST contain an API Key in the header, something managed by the system.
The system keeps an independent database of registered meters.
Folder structure
/app containes server-side code
/assets holds all raw digital assets created for this project
/cmd is the entry point to the server
/config allows different configs to be loaded during initialization, the most important one being db urls
/frontend contains raw code for the client webapp
/frontend/public contains compiled code for the client webapp
Backend: GoLang (Hosted on Heroku)
FrontEnd: angular/javascript, SPA
API: GraphQL
WebHooks: REST (JSON, XML)
Database: MongoDB (Hosted on Atlas)
Design Concept: (Domain Driven Design + Test Driven Design), Agile
Golang DDD structure:
The entry point
Main Types:
Every type is isolated in it's own package
Every package associated with these types has 2 go files: interactor and repository
Respository contains a private pointer to the database implementation (dependency injection), as well as methods of all the possible operations on this type
This allows for the package to implement the database locally, and the only externally visible methods are the operations.
Interactor contains all the higher-level abstractions of the possible operations that might include interacting with other packages.
This allows for inter-package communication as well as grouping several operations into one function. The same method might be visible from different packages
There is one shared database implementation that is shared across all the packages.
Factors we considered:
The original plan was to have contol over the entire stack, but since efficient and secure auth by itself is a very broad and complex, we decided to combine firebase auth and mongo.
Make sure Golang, Node and Angular CLI are installed on your system.
You may need to update your permissions in case you run into EACCESS Errors on npm.
go run *.go
npm i
ng serve
Obtain the Active API-Key from the dashboad
Run this command on the terminalcurl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Authorization: [API KEY]' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "meterNumber": "[TARGET METER NUMBER]", "tokenString": "[TOKEN]" }'
Replace [API KEY] With the value obtained from the dashboard
Replace [TARGET METER NUMBER] with the meter number
Replace [TOKEN] with the token Number
Replace "" with "http://localhost:4242/token" if your server is srunning locally
If you get the response "Success" the operation was successful, hence refresh your page and the token should shouw up.
Otherwise, please NOTE: