Pocketbase Sveltekit Starter
a starter project to build a SvelteKit frontend with PocketBase backend
Awesome Svelte Resources
[deprecated for svelte-society/sveltesociety.dev] useful resources for Svelteā¦
Sveltekit Supabase Dashboard
Dashboard inspired by Supabase UI and made with SvelteKit as frontend and Supā¦
Micro Frontend Multi Framework Boilerplate
A project have many projects with multi framework like Solidjs, Vuejs, Reactjā¦
Streamlit Component Svelte Template
Template for building Streamlit components using Svelte for the component's fā¦
Micro Frontend Starter
Micro frontend template for starter using qiankun + Vite + TypeScript + Vue3 ā¦
Frontend Framework Showdown 2020
Build the same Image Search App with Vanilla JS, React.js, Vue.js, Svelte andā¦