sveltekit-auth-template Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Auth Template

SvelteKit user template authentication, authorization model for sveltekit, cookies, token auth sveltekit, template user token sveltekit

Open Source - Template Auth UI

What is? 🔍

Is a template UI with an authentication and authorization system.


Who is this for? 💻

programmers or developers: front-end or full stack that already have backend API.

Why should I use this? 🤔

It's a faster way to start build your website, if you want to streamline your work while saving coding time using an already created template, well, this is for you. It will continuous be updated to newests versions of SvelteKit.

Features ✔️

Clean Code ✅
Fast to configure ✅
Easy to understand ✅
Token handlers ✅
Cookies handlers ✅
Session/LocalStorage Cache handlers ✅

How to use? 📝

First steps:

Install packages
npm install

Turn on-line
npm run dev -- --open

⚠️ Expected JSON data from API ⚠️


{ "username": "Person Name", "email": "" }


{ "token": "Bearer whateverToken" }

Required: 🔴

you must change API [url, endpoints]
easy change config.ts , available on ../src/lib/components/ file


easy change theme.ts , available on ../src/lib/components/ file


Design Architecture ♻️


More coming soon

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