surrealdb-svelte-auth-template Svelte Themes

Surrealdb Svelte Auth Template

A SurrealDB authentication boilerplate template using server-side JWT tokens

SurrealDB Authentication Boilerplate

A full-stack authentication boilerplate using SvelteKit and SurrealDB. This template provides a complete authentication system with user registration, login, and session management.


  • 🔑 Login system with JWT session cookiess
  • 📝 User registration with email and password
  • 🔒 Password hashing using bcrypt
  • 📚 Globally available "singleton" database client for server-side and client-side usage
  • 🔒 Database is request-isolated in the server, so different users get a unique database connection and client per request
  • 🔗 Real-time database connections using WebSocket


Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository:

    git clone
    cd surrealdb-svelte-auth-template
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
    # or
    bun install
    # or
    pnpm install
  3. Copy the environment file and configure it:

    cp .env.example .env
  4. Generate a secure AUTH_SECRET:

This will be used to sign and verify JWT tokens by your server, and must be shared with your database so that the database can verify the tokens.

openssl rand -hex 32
  1. Update your .env file with the generated secret and your SurrealDB configuration:

  2. Start SurrealDB:

    surreal start --user root --pass root --allow-guests memory
    # --allow-guests allows the database to be accessed by unauthenticated users
  3. Initialize the database schema:

    surreal import --conn http://localhost:8000 --user root --pass root --ns development --db mydb schema.surql
  4. Configure the database access via Surrealist or the Surreal CLI

     WITH JWT 
  5. Start the development server:

    pnpm dev
    # or
    npm run dev
    # or
    bun run dev

Project Structure

  • /src/routes - SvelteKit routes and API endpoints
    • +layout.ts - Gets the user from the +layout.server.ts local data, and makes it available to all sub-routes
    • +layout.server.ts - Gets the user from the event.locals.user and passes it to the +layout.ts component
    • +page.ts - Loads the currently active user from the database so that it can be used in the +page.svelte component
    • +page.svelte - The main page component, which includes the login form and authentication state
    • login/+server.ts - A login API endpoint, which will also set the JWT cookie for future requests
  • /src/lib - Sveltekit $lib alias directory
    • database.ts - SurrealDB client and database configuration (a user-authenticated database client, universally available on the server and client)
    • utils - Utility functions and types
      • cookies.ts - Cookie utilities (for setting and getting cookies)
      • jwt.ts - JWT utilities (for signing and verifying tokens)
    • request_data_store.ts - Request data store for server-side usage
    • admin_db.ts - A "root" authenticated database client, for full-permission sensitive operations
    • database.ts - A user-authenticated/unauthenticated database client for database-as-a-service paradigm usage
  • /src/hooks.server.ts - Server-side hooks for authentication
  • schema.surql - SurrealDB schema definition


Global Database Client usage

We use the safe-ssr package to provide request-level data isolation.

Using the database globally, eg inside of a load function:

import { user_db } from "$lib/database"

export async function load({ data }) {
    // load the global server-side database client
    const db = await user_db()

    // query the database
    const [records] = await db.query("SELECT * FROM some_record")

    return {

Or inside of .svelte components:

<script lang="ts">
    import { user_db } from "$lib/database"

    let records: string[] = $state([])

    async function load_records() {
        const db = await user_db()

        [records] = await db.query("SELECT VALUE id FROM record")

    async function create_record() {
        const db = await user_db()

        await db.query("CREATE record")

        await do_something_with_db()
<button onclick={load_records}>
    Load Records
<button onclick={create_record}>
    Create Record
{#each records as record}

Read more about safe-ssr

Authentication Flow

  1. Registration: Users can register with email, password, and name
  2. Login: Users receive a JWT token stored in cookies
  3. Session: Token is verified on each request and passed to the "user" database client.
    • Also stores common user-specific data (name, email, etc) in the JWT token so that we don't need to query the database for it on each request
  4. Protected Routes: Access control based on authentication state via the event.locals.user

API Endpoints

  • POST /register - Create a new user account
  • POST /login - Authenticate and receive a session token
  • GET / - Home page with authentication state


To run the project in development mode:

npm run dev
# or
bun run dev
# or
pnpm dev




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