Implement JWT Authentication in SvelteKit API Routes
In this tutorial, we'll delve into the implementation of JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication within SvelteKit. We'll be using TypeScript along with Prisma, a popular Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tool for Node.js.

Topics Covered
- Running the SvelteKit JWT App Locally
- Setting up the SvelteKit Project
- Setting up a PostgreSQL Database
- Setting up Prisma ORM
- Connecting to Database
- Creating the Request Validation Schemas
- Signing and Verifying JSON Web Tokens
- Creating the SvelteKit API Endpoints
- Registering a User
- Logging in a User
- Logging out a User
- Fetching Authenticated User Data
- Protecting the API Endpoints with SvelteKit Hooks
- Testing the JWT Application
- Sign Up
- Sign In
- Accessing Protected Route
- Sign Out
- Conclusion
Read the entire article here: