Everything you need to build an Administration Panel Using Svelte/SvelteKit and AppWrite
If you want to begin the development process, follow this guide.
# create a new project in the current directory
git clone repo
# cd into directory
cd project-name/
# install dependencies
pnpm i
# create new env file and update the variables
copy .env.example .env
# run the project
pnpm dev
There's an appwrite folder in the root of the project, it contains the base functions, database and collections for the project.
there's also a bash script that can be run with ./login_appwrite.sh, it will promp to login to appwrite instance that you spesify in the .env, see .env.example
The project is well organized into the following folder structure, and use route grouping.
You can preview the production build with npm run preview
To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.