C - Cloudflare
L - Lucia auth
S - Svelte / Shadcn-svelte
T - Tailwind
D1 - Cloudflare D1 and Drizzle
Getting Sveltekit / Lucia on Cloudflare using D1 as the database isn't that straightforward.
Fixes the issues above by
I'm using Bun via WSL, it works great and its much quicker. Start by cloning the repository.
# Clone this respository
git clone https://github.com/hynj/CLAST-D1.git
rm -rf .git // Remove the git folder to start a fresh github repo
git init -b main
bun install // or npm / pnpm ect...
Make a new D1 Database with wrangler (or the web dashboard). If you haven't done before you will need to login with wrangler, replace YOUR_DB_NAME with a name of your choosing.
bunx wrangler d1 create YOUR_DB_NAME
When you make a new database wrangler will return an ID, update the wrangler.toml file in the root directory with your new database ID and name. Leave the rest of the wrangler.toml unchanged.
Next run the sql file to get the authentication tables set up.
bunx wrangler d1 execute YOUR_DB_NAME --local --file ./drizzle/0000_sad_star_brand.sql
Note you will need to run this without the "--local" prior to deploying
You can then run the dev server, this will be the familair defult sveltekit skeleton project with a few additions, the routes "login" and "register".
Use these routes to confirm everything is working.
Use wrangler to set up the database tables like above
bunx wrangler d1 execute YOUR_DB_NAME --file ./drizzle/0000_sad_star_brand.sql
We need to set up a replacement worker for password hashing, as node isn't available on the cloudflare worker runtime.
This repository has an example of using a rust wasm Argon2id implementation.
We will use this to build a seperate cloudflare worker that we can access via a binding to perform the password hashing and verification. You will need rust installed to compile the wasm.
You could also use a pre-built wasm binary, there is one available at https://github.com/auth70/argon2-wasi
However you will need to wrap this in worker code to process the requests
To build the worker, clone the glotlabs argon2-cloudflare repository and compile the worker, (install rust first rust-lang.org). You can follow the instructions in the github repo or follow the instructions below.
cd .. // Go back a directory
git clone https://github.com/glotlabs/argon2-cloudflare.git
cd argon2-cloudflare
bun install
bunx wrangler deploy
This will deploy a worker function to cloudflare with the name argon2.
Re-enter the main project directory (cd ../CLAST-D1)
Make a new github repo https://github.com/new/
Add you new repo as origin
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin https://github.com/<USERNAME>/<REPONAME>
git push -u origin main
Make a new pages project on cloudflare using the dashboard, link you github project to it. Set framework to svelte, change build command as "bun run build" if using bun.
Deploy your project, it should succeed but you won't be able to login. We need to bind our database and the hashing worker, continue to the project configuration and go to settings and then Functions.
Scroll down and at the D1 Databse bidnings, bind the database you made to the variable name'DB'
Then bind the worker function to the variable name 'WASM'