Svelte Cordova Boilerplate
📱 Create a mobile app with this friendly Svelte boilerplate for apache cordov…
Tauri Electron Sveltekit React
windows, macos, android, ios setting and create project, e2e appium mobile
Svelte 5 Ios Transition Bug
Svelte 5 slide transition doesn't work as expected on iOS (working fine on Sv…
Vimeo Player Ios Issue Svelte
Minimal, workable example of the Vimeo Player issue. This is the Web part. ht…
Svelte Scrollable Datetime Picker
A prototype of a scrollable date picker with 'locking' or 'snap' scrolling. i…
Svelte Native Application Capacitor
Trying to built a svelte-first native application that will work as an app on…
Nativescript Play Pit
A growing collection of NativeScript playground projects demonstrating all th…