Sveltekit Lucia Auth V3 Example
This example project showcases how to integrate Lucia V3 for user authenticat…
Sveltekit Twitter Clone
Barebones Twitter clone built with the Sveltekit, Lucia Auth, Prisma and Fake…
Sveltekit Prisma Luciaauth Superforms
a template to start a project complete with email//password and OAuth2 (githu…
Lucia Sveltekit D1 Example
email (or username) & password example with Lucia, SvelteKit and Cloudflare D1
Sveltekit With Lucia Auth
This is an example project showcasing authentication processes using Lucia.
Simple SvelteKit blog with content from external API, using Lucia-Auth and Pr…
Sveltekit Auth W Lucia Postgres Drizzle Template
This is a SvelteKit template project with the Lucia auth example "Email and p…
Sveltekit Oauth2lucia Postgresql Threejs
User and session management with Lucia auth library, an Oauth2 github app, an…
Sveltekit Auth Starter
Super simple Sveltekit auth starter template. Sveltekit + Skeleton + Lucia + …
Sveltekit Lucia Prisma Oauth
A SvelteKit barebones template with Authentication using Lucia, Prisma and OA…