Svelte Intl Precompile
I18n library for Svelte.js that analyzes your keys at build time for max perf…
Sanity Template Svelte Kit
A minimal, fully customizable SvelteKit front-end powered by data.
Astro Firebase Svelte Tailwind Starter
A minimal and accessible template for getting started with Firebase, Tailwind…
Oce Svelte Minimal Sample
Sample minimal site built using Svelte/Sapper and content from Oracle Content…
Sveltekit Windicss Flowbite Template
Minimal SvelteKit template with a perfect set-up for WindiCSS and Flowbite
Electron Svelte Typescript Boilerplate
Minimal electron boilerplate with Svelte and Typescript support
Sveltekit Electron Ts Tailwind
A clean and minimal boilerplate for SvelteKit, Electron.js, Typescript, and T…
Sveltekit Starter Base Template
This is a lightweight and customizable template for starting a new Svelte pro…