TodoMVC implemented in Svelte
Local-First LiveView Svelte ToDo App
A basic demo example for integrating between Appwrite & Svelte🧡
A Svelte ToDo app created as a comparison piece for a React vs Svelte article
a simple Svelte-based todo app
A Todo List Application built with Svelte 3
Offline-Capable todo list built with Svelte, PouchDB and CouchDB
TodoMVC built with Svelte and Store
Todo List app built using Svelte and Cosmic
Svelte vs React POC
A comprehensive TODO sample using SvelteKit + ZenStack + TanStack Query
To-do Application using svelte.js
A to-do app made with Sveltekit and MongoDB
📋️ Svelte todo app
Starter files for the Todo List App built with Svelte 3
UI5 Web components sample TODO application built with Svelte.
An Authenticated realtime todo list with Svelte 3 and Firebase
A Todos app using Svelte, Tailwind CSS, and Tauri (w/ Rust)
📃 Исходный код для курса по Svelte
A simple ToDo Application written in Flask and Svelte
Todo MVC with Replicache and Sveltekit
🔥 Tutorial : A Simple Todo List App made with Svelte
A simple todo web application using actix-web, PostgreSQL, Svelte, and Halfmoon
TodoMVC app written in Svelte and backed by Firebase and RxJS
A minimal Todo app that demonstrates how to test a Svelte app with Jest and S…
Svelte3 Compile-time framework demo
Go-fiber, PostgreSQL ve Svelte kullanarak yaptığım todo list
Sample todo app for messing with Svelte. Includes Typescript.
one vite + vue3 + react + svelte todo App.
Simple todo list made by Svelte
A SvelteKit todo app template using Turso and Drizzle
A To-Do List built with Svelte and featured in my Svelte Beginners playlist o…
A Todo app using Svelte and Tailwind CSS
Simple todo site built with Svelte-Kit and Supabase
A todolist made with Svelte
A ToDo Desktop app built with Tauri+Svelte+Rust. To show CRUD operations with…
Todo App with Svelte.
📝 Svelte Todos App
A todo app built using SveltKit framework