āØ Free and OpenSource Steam Remote Play š® Alternative powered by WebRTC šand ā¦
Sveltekit Cloudflare Adapter
Alternative SvelteKit adaptor for Cloudflare workers. Designed to be standaloā¦
Jira Sveltekit Firebase Storage Upstash Starter
An open source alternative to Jira Kanban Board using SvelteKit, TailwindCSS,ā¦
Fcl Svelte Quickstart
This repo serves as a Svelte alternative to the FCL React Quick Start App fouā¦
Blank Svelte Template
This is a template to use Svelte on - this is an alternative to codesā¦
Svelte Replit Template
template for svelte - svelte template - alternative to codespā¦
Scaffold Eth Svelte5
Alternative tech stack to scaffold-eth-2 with pnpm, turborepo, foundry, sveltā¦