The Open Source Education Platform. A Simple and Beautiful Alternative to Moo…
🐢 🌎 📚 a community-owned language-learning platform
ClassQuiz is a quiz-application like Kahoot!, but open-source.
A self-hosted SPA to simplify course creation and management
Homepage of the German student-run non-profit initiative StudyTutors e.V.
An educational resource that enables students to better visualize the executi…
An app to help you visualize scale and arpeggio shapes on a guitar fretboard.…
A template made for travellers.
redo of proj 3 without svelte
karpathy's micrograd in node js ( svelte kit) version for education purpose
This is simple app that I made using Svelte.
ตัวอย่างการใช้งาน Store ใน SvelteKit
A new, simple, modern and secure digital work environment. Built with Svelte …
Frontend for meetbeans education
Practicing Sveltekit
Find the clubs that are right for you. (Project on hold because of Cloudflare)
Homepage of the German student-run non-profit Afara e.V. built Svelte and Con…
Personal portfolio website using Svelte 5, showcasing skills in web developme…
A Free and Open source application where students can create and give tests a…
Guides for Scratch projects
A little web app that quizzes you on trig ratios so you can be more successfu…
Virtual materials for the Montessori virtual classroom
📚 Веб приложение для деления на бригады или разделения по вариантам
A simple and customizable single-page application to improve your mental math…
Source code and documentation for the OSRESS website
This repository contains the front-end code for Collabsphere, a project aimed…
🧪 Interactive periodic table of elements
Math Rizz is a comprehensive mathematics e-learning web platform designed to …
Config files for my GitHub profile 😎
A modern, interactive platform for exploring and comparing programming langua… One goal - more tools. An exceptional combination of the better o…