Chessboard component. Chessground Svelte wrapper.
Fully playable chess component for Svelte.
Open-source chess opening practice. Free alternative to Chessable's spaced re…
Online multiplayer chess website that lets you build custom pieces/boards. Wr…
Play online chess with your friends, powered by Firebase 🔥♟
An Obsidian plugin for all your Chess related notes.
A template made for travellers.
Chess, coded from scratch in JavaScript. Fully implements all the rules and n…
repo to keep my learn progress while building chess game with sveltekit
Chess portal with custom chess engine AI
Prototype chess game in Svelte with chess.js, chessground, & Redis
Chess2 Implementation & Library using TypeScript.
Chess web application written in Svelte JS
My first Svelte project
Examples for svelte-chessground, a Svelte wrapper for the Chessground chess UI.
A Chess game written in Svelte and made purely by myself (including the SVG p…
Chess table
Chess in Svelte
Chess using svelte
Chess game with Svelte
Chess Timer
Chess engine built with Svelte to teach myself svelte
Website interface for chess database
Chess computer with Svelte and wasm/C++
Chess application using Svelte and Elixir/Phoenix.
Interactive chessboard with svelte
Chessboard built with Svelte
A Svelte UI for web game play using WASM ! Gato & Chess.
Шахматы на Svelte (Demo)
Sample svelte project for fun
Realtime chess app; front end practice with Svelte.
astro, svelte, markdown & vercel
Online Chess
Fully functional chess game built with state machines and Svelte