Trpc Sveltekit Example
A sample SvelteKit application built to illustrate the usage of ✨ trpc-svelte…
Example Sveltekit Email Password Webauthn
Email and password example with 2FA and WebAuthn in SvelteKit
Sveltekit Lucia Auth V3 Example
This example project showcases how to integrate Lucia V3 for user authenticat…
Sveltekit Fastapi Mongodb
A project example/template for SvelteKit - FastAPI - MongoDB stack with Docker
Sveltekit Firebase Auth Example
Discover how to easily implement Firebase Authentication with SvelteKit!
Sveltekit Langchain Boilerplate
Simple boilerplate app for using LangchainJS and OpenAI with Sveltekit (PDF S…
Sveltekit Modal Stablediffusion
An example SvelteKit project using sveltekit-modal, with a Python server endp…
Sveltekit Netlify Google Oauth Example
A long-titled repository showing how you could potentially use SvelteKit depl…
Example Passkeys Sveltekit
This is a sample repository of a Svelte app (using SvelteKit and TailwindCSS)…