Sveltekit Auth Starter
This is a Sveltekit auth starter project. It utilizes Lucia for authenticatio…
Sveltekit Pocketbase Auth
Source code for the 'Authentication with SvelteKit & PocketBase' video on my …
Sveltekit Lucia Auth V3 Example
This example project showcases how to integrate Lucia V3 for user authenticat…
Sveltekit Pocketbase Auth
This project implements authentication with Sveltekit and Pocketbase with ema…
Sveltekit Firebase Auth Example
Discover how to easily implement Firebase Authentication with SvelteKit!
Django Svelte Template
sveltekit / svelte5 with django; auth, forms-actions, toast/flash messages, v…
Sveltekit Auth Template
SvelteKit user template authentication, authorization model for sveltekit, co…
Sveltekit Supabase Auth Starter
A starter template for Sveltekit v2 with Supabase Auth used for authentication
Sveltekit Cognito Auth
⚡🔐 Small example of how to use Cognito Authentication in a SvelteKit application